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Tuesday, May 16, 2017



KIM JONG UN is a Dictator of NORTH KOREA. He spected of murdering his half-brother with VX nerve agent,He tortures public of NORTH KOREA so much as well as regularly threatens to bombard the United States with nuclear missiles.This is very reason of his insanity.

Opinion about him

Many US policymakers certainly seem to think so that they were not dealing with a minded person,UNITED STATES AmbassadorNikki Haley warned  to the United Nations Nikki Haley in March. “This is not a rational person, who has not had rational acts, who is not thinking clearly.”

Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee  Sen. John McCainecently striked at Kim calling him “a crazy fat kid.” Republican Rep. Bradley Byrne summed up the quandary after returning from a trip to Asia in April: “I don’t believe the leadership in North Korea is rational. How do you deal with someone that is irrational?”

This line of commentary has very real consequences for how the United States deals with North Korea: If Washington believes that Kim is truly irrational, then it will be more inclined to use force to stop him.And it may certainly the reason of world war 3.

If the foreign policy establishment is convinced Kim as "Body without mind', then the idea of firing him with nuclear tipped missiles at the WEST COAST with no concern that he might be wiped off from the map of the world himself in a retaliatory strike becomes a plausible scenario. That could in turn make the TRUMP administration more likely to consider launching an extraordinarily risky preventive or preemptive strike against Kim’s nuclear facilities in order to prevent that from happening. McCain has said he thinks such a strike must be an option, and the Trump administration has said that it’s on the table.

What does NORTH KOREANS Speak

But when we spoke to scholars and historians of North Korea, they uniformly rejected the idea that Kim is a lunatic. His ruthlessness and fierce rhetoric should not be confused with irrationality, they explained. Instead, he should be understood as extremely calculating and disciplined when it comes to maintaining his grip on power,just as his predecessors,his father, Kim Jong Il and his grandfather the country’s founder, Kim Il Sung were.

To most North Korea experts, Kim Jong Un is far from erratic. If anyone is unpredictable in this scenario, is DONALD TRUMP.

Rational doesn’t mean easy to get along wityh him.
When we talk about a country or a leader being RATIONAL in the context of international relations, we’re not using it in the casual sense.


The word RATIONAL here means that the government of a COUNTRY is capable of making logical calculations about its goals and interests and determining how to achieve them based on the economic, military, diplomatic etc, resources, at its disposal.

Unknown things about a leader

Countries have lots of different interests, but the most crucial one is SELF-PRESERVATION. A rational leader can take risky actions, but they wouldn’t purposely do something that would foreseeably lead to the total destruction of their country.
And that’s really what we’re asking when we ask whether KIM JONG UN (or his father and grandfather before him) is rational: Is he bound by that fundamental survival instinct? Because if not, that essentially means he can’t be deterred.

Deterrence works by convincing your opponent that you can hurt them and perhaps even destroy them, if they hurt you. But if your opponent doesn’t care about being destroyed, there’s nothing stopping them from hurting you.

So the fear is that NORTH  KOREA’s leader, blinded by ideological zeal or illusions of his own power, won’t be kept in check by the principle of deterrence and would attempt a nuclear strike without regard for the retaliatory strikes that would effectively destroy it.

NORTH KOREA has been deterred by the US for decades.So he is not absolutely wrong.He just want to show whole world WHAT HE IS!


64 years since the end of the Korean War in 1953, North Korea has not launched a war to retake South Korea. And that’s largely because the US has tents of thousands of troops and serious firepower parked in SOUTH KOREA and JAPAN to ensure that any attempt by NORTH KOREA to actually start a WAR would be terribly costly for it.
Even when South Korea has shown extreme unsafety such as when it underwent military coups in 1961 and 1980 and some of its military units were moved away from the border with NORTH KOREA,NORTH KOREA has not launched a war. Clearly, deterrence has worked.

The smallnes of PENINSULA has a way of claryfying the high  Part of any WAR,MILLIONS of people are in daner to being killed by either side.

THE NORTH KOREA has, however, taken other hostile actions against the US and its allies over the decades, including shooting down AMERICAN SPY PLANES and killing PEOPLE in the demilitarized zone that draws the boundary between NORTH KOREA and SOUTH KOREA. And it’s continued to develop a nuclear arsenal and the ballistic missiles needed to deliver them, all while openly threatening the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with NUCLEAR WAR.

So how is that rational? Why pick a fight with a vastly more powerful country whose nuclear arsenal makes yours look like child’s play?
According to James Person, a NORTH KOREA expert at the WILSON CENTER in WASHINGTON, while this might seem at first glance to be completely irrational, it’s not: It’s actually an effective way of getting  attention of USA and often, a way of gaining an upper hand over it.Person contends that PYONGYANG “carefully studies” US responses to all its actions and has learned that it can often get the US to yield when it carries out some of its edgier provocations.

Here’s a good example: In 1968, North Korea seized the US naval intelligence ship USS PUEBLO with 83 crew members aboard. It was one of the most brave actions the NORTH had ever taken against the US, and the crisis had the potential to turn into a FULL WAR
But that’s not what ultimately happened. Not only did the Pueblo’s seizure not spark a huge military clash, but the North was actually able to turn the move into a political win.

The US sat down and negotiated with North Korea for nearly a year over the imprisoned sailors. At the end of the negotiations, NORTH KOREA returned the 83 sailors (who were tortured during their time in captivity) — but it also got the US to admit to having hostile intentions toward NORTH KOREA. And it kept the ship. In other words, not only did NORTH KOREA come out of the encounter unscathed, it got a trophy out of it.

Members of the crew of the USS Pueblo greet relatives upon returning from captivity in NORTH KOREA, where they were imprisoned and tortured
Another incident just a year later highlights a similar dynamic. When in 1969 NORTH KOREAN fighter jets shot down an US SPY PLANE, killing the 31 people aboard the aircraft, the NIXON administration considered a variety of military options including a nuclear strike but ultimately chose to refrain from using force altogether.
So NORTH KOREA got away with the attack without facing repercussions. The reason? PERSON said that The US was being prudent because of potential risks of retaliation against SOUTH KOREA,

The US’s decision to not retaliate after both of these high-profile provocations underscores something crucial to understanding why war hasn’t broken out on the KOREAN PENINSULA since the end of the first WAR in 1953: Both NORTH KOREA and its opponents are deeply afraid of setting off a broader war that would wreak destruction across the region. The smallness of the PENINSULA has a way of clarifying the high stakes of any war: Millions of people are in danger to being massacred by either side.

NORTH KOREA’s leaders including KIM JONG UN  aren’t blind to this. In fact, they’re exceptionally sensitive to it. They’re very mindful of the fact that their ability to inflict huge damage on SOUTH KOREA with great speed is a big deterrent to any major US strike against the NORTH. And because of that, they know they have a bit of leeway in taking provocative action against SOUTH  KOREA and US.
Nobody actually wants to go to war, so NORTH KOREA gets away with a lot of bad behavior.
NORTH KOREA’s acts of belligerence aren’t insane outbursts, but deliberate gestures grounded in careful observations about how the outside world responds to it. And when it carries them out, it looks strong and powerful to its own population, intimidates SOUTH KOREA, and broadcasts to the global community a highly aggressive posture that makes military intervention against it seem all the more daunting.

Nuclear weapons are key to maintaining power
So how do NORTH KOREA’s nuclear ambitions fit into all this? With nuclear weapons, NORTH KOREA believes it will have license to act even more provocatively in the region without fear of repercussions. If the US already lets NORTH KOREA get away with adversarial behavior now because it fears provoking an all-out war, just imagine how much more it will put up with to avoid an all-out nuclear war.

When NORTH KOREA looks at other authoritarian dictators that failed to secure nuclear weapons, it sees a legacy of failure.

“They saw Iraq, which had an unrealized nuclear program, get taken out,Person explains that They saw LIBYAN DICTATOR MUAMMAR GADDAFI voluntarily give up his nuclear program in exchange for integration and improved relations with the world only for the NATO backed rebels to take him out in the street in 2011.”

Pyongyang’s thoughts about the power of nuclear weapons are shaped by those regime collapses. The North sees nuclear weapons as the one bulwark that can prevent similar things from happening to them.JONATHAN POLLOCK ,a senior fellow at THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION who specializes in US STRATEGY in ASIA and near of PACIFIC OCEAN says “KIM JONG UN thinks that the treasured sword of justice protects them and guarantees the survival of their system,”

Person says the fact that the TRUMP administration has threatened to tear up the IRAN nuclear deal — in which IRAN agreed to restrict many of its sensitive nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of sanctions only makes NORTH KOREA more resolute about clinging to its weapons. “It sends the signal to them, you may get an agreement today — but then the next president may not agree with it,” Person says.

KIM JONG UN is not much bad as we thinks

Outside of nuclear program, KIM JONG UN has shocked many with some of his more brutal actions in recent years. He had his uncle executed in 2013; he appears to have assassinated his exiled half-brother in a Malaysian airport this year. From a distance, this proclivity for violence against family members can come across as unhinged to Western observers.
But analysts say that while KIM JONG’s behavior is brutal, it’s not irrational. His executions have been attempts at consolidating power and eliminating threats decisively — a necessary kind of practice when you’re running a totalitarian state.

  DAVID, a scholar at the University of Southern California who specializes in security in EAST ASIA says “If Kim was totally out of touch, there’s no way he could’ve lasted this long,”. “You have to be good at figuring out what you want, how to reward friends, get rid of enemies.”
None of this is to say that Kim’s actions are not morally abhorrent. But there’s a logic to them that can be discerned quite clearly by experts.

“NORTH KOREA is remarkably predictable,” POLLOCK said. “Tactically they can surprise us ... but strategically, they rarely surprise me.”

Arguably it’s the TRUMP administration now that is less predictable than KIM’s regime. TRUMP has sent deeply mixed signals on how to approach NORTH KOREA, at times taking a harder line by refusing to rule out a preemptive strike but other times openly stating that he had be open to talking to KIM.




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